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Workplace & Business Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions

Is your business planning on accommodating electric vehicles? Are you looking to modernise and future-proof your business?

At EV PowerHouse we offer a range of workplace electric vehicle charging solutions consisting of both hardware and software, as well as other services including installation, to help you create the perfect solution for your business needs no matter how simple or intricate. Our Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations have a wide range of features, and accessories to complement. Business-based Charging stations also utilise Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP), allowing you to select the third-party network provider that works best for your business.

Kia EV

Benefits for your business

EV PowerHouse partnerships are beneficial to your business in multiple ways. Through us you are able to:

Have your business publicly referenced

Apps such as ‘Plug Charge’ as well as many others are heavily relied on when electric vehicle drivers are in search of an EV charging unit. Having your business publicly referenced, will in turn increase your revenue as electric vehicle drivers can locate your charging unit with ease, and are most likely to explore your establishment while their car is being charged.

Attract customers to your establishment

With the constant demand for charging ports, installing an EV charging unit on site allows and encourages electric vehicle drivers to have a pit stop at your establishment while they top up (charge) their electric vehicle.

Offers customers a great experience

Have you ever heard the saying “two birds with one stone”? Installing an EV charging unit on site allows customers the chance to shop while they charge. In turn you will be providing a more wholesome shopping experience and customers are more likely to choose your business establishment (due to convenience and a time saving approach) rather than another competitor.

Increase customer connections

Charging units equipped with Smart EV charging allow your establishment the chance to source data and information about the electric vehicle driver. In turn giving you further customer insights and the ability to offer specific offers and deals based on their details and preferences, increasing the chance of a return visit.

Reduce your business carbon footprint

Reducing tailpipe emissions from vehicles can deliver significant health benefits for New South Wales, particularly for people living with or who are more susceptible to cardiovascular and respiratory health conditions like asthma, as well as reduce other secondary health impacts caused by these emissions. A large cross-industry effort is required to encourage widespread EV adoption and therefore it is important to be mindful of the ways that businesses are contributing to such efforts.

Modernise establishment & retain your employees

Providing an electric vehicle infrastructure at your workplace not only initiates a proactive approach to modernise your business, but also allows your establishment to immerse in modern culture and give employees the freedom to charge while they are at work. Which in turn creates a greener and more convenient workplace environment, attracting new employees whilst retaining your original workforce.

Change is coming and it pays to get ahead

The pressure on businesses to upgrade their fleet is increasing, and with the EV market growing, widespread adoption and the expectation for charging provisions in workplaces as standard is not too far off. Businesses not only gain a competitive advantage by introducing EV charging stations, but also modernise and future proof their workplace.

Cost reduction

Choosing the right charging solution and optimising your charging needs will improve the ROI for your electric vehicles, and in turn, generate an income for your business – especially if you choose to open it to the public when it’s not in use by your employees and customers.

What EV PowerHouse offers

workplace ev charging

Charging infrastructure tailored to your operation

We provide reliable and tailor-made configurations that integrate into any operation—keeping your fleet ready to go at all times. Our charging solutions provide you with everything you need in one place to easily manage your charging network.

Intelligent and profitable solutions

Our charging solutions help you to reduce maintenance costs and optimise your energy consumption. Get a quick return on your investment and generate additional revenue by setting charging fees for visitors.

Design Your Own EV Fleet Charging Solution


Estimate The Demand

To determine your fleet’s charging needs, consider the number of electric vehicles you currently own or plan to acquire and the average daily distance travelled by each vehicle in kilowatts. Our fleet charging solution can help you identify and plan for your current and future EV charging needs.


Choose Energy Source

The right energy source and infrastructure can save you a significant amount of money and improve your return on investment. When choosing a fleet charging solution, consider your budget, the size of your fleet, and your demand to find the best option for your needs. Our team can help you determine the best charging solution for your specific situation.


Choose Design Level

When deciding on a fleet charging solution, consider your vehicle demand and choose a charging level that meets your needs and budget. Options include inexpensive Level 1 charging, faster Level 2 charging with advanced controls and monitoring, or installing chargers at drivers’ homes. Our team can help you determine the best mix of charging options for your fleet.


Choose Your Ownership Model

With our fleet charging solution, you can choose to restrict access to fleet vehicles only, or allow employees and/or the public to use the chargers when not in use by fleet vehicles. You may also require the advanced billing and cost allocation features of a networked Level 2 charger. Our team can help you determine the best charging options for your specific needs and budget.


Evaluate Cost Recovery Options

Our fleet charging solution can help you save on fuel and maintenance costs through fleet electrification. You may also choose to offset any increased energy costs by charging employees and/or visitors for their use of the charging stations. Our team can help you determine the best pricing structure for your specific needs and budget.

Design Your Own EV Business Charging Solution

1) Estimate The Demand

To determine your fleet’s charging needs, consider the number of electric vehicles you currently own or plan to acquire and the average daily distance travelled by each vehicle in kilowatts. Our fleet charging solution can help you identify and plan for your current and future EV charging needs.

2) Choose Energy Source

The right energy source and infrastructure can save you a significant amount of money and improve your return on investment. When choosing a fleet charging solution, consider your budget, the size of your fleet, and your demand to find the best option for your needs. Our team can help you determine the best charging solution for your specific situation.

3) Choose Design Level

When deciding on a fleet charging solution, consider your vehicle demand and choose a charging level that meets your needs and budget. Options include inexpensive Level 1 charging, faster Level 2 charging with advanced controls and monitoring, or installing chargers at drivers’ homes. Our team can help you determine the best mix of charging options for your fleet.

4) Choose Your Ownership Model

With our fleet charging solution, you can choose to restrict access to fleet vehicles only or allow employees and/or the public to use the chargers when not in use by fleet vehicles. You may also require the advanced billing and cost allocation features of a networked Level 2 charger. Our team can help you determine the best charging options for your specific needs and budget.

5) Evaluate Cost Recovery Options

Our fleet charging solution can help you save on fuel and maintenance costs through fleet electrification. You may also choose to offset any increased energy costs by charging employees and/or visitors for their use of the charging stations. Our team can help you determine the best pricing structure for your specific needs and budget.

Business Perfect EV Chargers

Frequently Asked Questions

Before installing commercial electric vehicle charging stations at a workplace, there are a few essential things to consider:

Space requirements for the charger — Make sure that there is enough room to accommodate it.

Power requirements of the charge — Ensure that the workplace has the electrical capacity to support it.

Any other impacts the charger may have on the workplace — Consider other factors such as noise level or heat output.

By considering these factors, workplaces can ensure that they install workplace EV charging in a way that best meets their needs.

Employers must know a few things before installing commercial electric vehicle charging stations. First, verify with your utility provider about limits or requirements. Second, you’ll require local permissions and approvals. Install the charging station according to all fire regulations. By following these procedures, you can verify your workplace EV charging station is safe and legal.

To help offset these costs, many businesses offer employees a discount on their charging fees. Others encourage employees to carpool or take public transportation by offering them free or discounted parking.

Property managers or company owners must maintain workplace electric vehicle charging stations after installation. Check the charging cables and stations periodically and switch off the power when not in use. A comprehensive EV policy should specify how staff should use workplace EV charging stations and what regulations they must follow. By following these procedures, companies can ensure commercial electric vehicle charging stations are safe for staff and guests.

At EV PowerHouse, we believe that workplace electric vehicle charging should be simple and worry-free. That’s why we offer after-sales support and warranties on all our products. If you have any issues with your purchase, simply reach out to us, and we’ll be happy to help. We’re committed to providing the best possible experience for our customers, and we hope you’ll take advantage of our after-sales support and warranties.

Contact Us for Business & Workplace Solutions

EV PowerHouse is a team of specialists who will assist you in getting the perfect EV charging solutions for your Businesses, Workplaces, Hotels, Fleets, Apartments & Car-Parks.

To get started, fill out the form & one of our experts will contact you with appropriate solutions.


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